Author: fusion123furnish

” wellness-centric office” is a topic employers and employees today have understood the value of. However, we should accept that only a few consider it a priority. Imagine how your... Read More

Offices that neglect to use modular office furniture may experience a significant setback in business. Why do we say that? Read this blog to find out more. Executive tables are... Read More

Among thousands of furniture designs, modular office furniture remains a top priority for many offices today, including multinationals. Why? Furniture such as modular workstations, wall-mounted shelving systems, collaborative seating, and... Read More

Outdated office furniture can trouble your employees and decrease productivity. Ever thought about that? Why not reshape your office space with modular workstations that exude sophistication and elevate performance? Choosing... Read More

Picture this, you enter an office and find yourself in a cramped cubicle with no room for seeing human faces around you. How do you feel? Furniture plays a significant... Read More

A decade ago, the work culture was very rigid. Employees had a fixed routine with a minimal scope of flexibility. Companies have started to shift their focus from hierarchy to... Read More

Nowadays, work culture is beyond the traditional 9-5 culture. With a shift in work style, your office furniture has to be digital-ready. Are you someone who wants to adopt your... Read More

The impact of digital nomadism and the general fluidity of modern lifestyles reflect in societal behaviour and routines. Mobility and flexibility are the new work culture. With this, coworking space... Read More

Coworking spaces are not your typical traditional office – it is a concept that is ever-evolving and adapting to the current work culture. Initially an alternative to working from home... Read More

Co-working offices are fast becoming a preferred option. Statista estimates that there are approximately 18,700 coworking spaces worldwide, expected to rise to around 41,975 by the end of 2024. While... Read More